Discomfort elements

In addition to the calculation described above, in seeking en-

vironmental well-being, we must also take into account the

thermal discomfort caused by other factors: discomfort due to

draughts, the vertical difference in air temperature, the tempera-

ture of hot or cold

floors, the temperature of hot or cold walls

and the temperature of hot or cold ceilings.

It is advisable to maintain these parameters below:

- draught speed <0.3 m/s

- vertical difference of air temperature < 5 °C

- floor temperature between 19 °C and 29 °C

- temperature difference of a hot wall from the other structures

< 23 °C

- temperature difference of a cold wall from other structures <

10 °C

- temperature difference of a hot ceiling from other structures

< 5°C

- temperature difference of a cold ceiling from other structures

< 14 °C

Vertical difference of air temperature

Percentage of dissatisfied based on the temperature

of the floor

Percentage of dissatisfied based on the temperature

difference between air and ceilings or walls

2- Cold wall

1- hot ceiling

3- cold ceiling

4- hot wall


Ceiling and wall radiant system – Product guide

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